Laboratory of Resource Circulation Bioengineering studies environmental biotechnology, which utilizes the microorganisms to convert waste biomass into useful resources. We use two approaches, microbial engineering and bioinformatics, to achieve the high efficiency and to elucidate the mechanisms. Our goal is to make environmental biotechnology faster, more economical, smaller, and easier to use, which would contribute to the development of a biomass-recycling society.

小山准教授が分担執筆した書籍「アンモニアの低温・低圧合成と新しい利用技術~燃焼・混焼技術、水素キャリア~」(が出版されました。第4章 排水・下水からのアンモニア合成、製造技術の第4節「養殖池汚泥からの高付加価値藻類の生産に向けた高温好気発酵によるアンモニア回収」を担当しました。
Lab web page is now open!
Laboratory of Resources Circulation Bioengineering is launched!
Welcome students and research fellows!
Our lab welcomes applications from students (undergraduates* and postgraduates (both master's and doctoral students)) from any universities, who are interested in working with us. Please contact Dr. Koyama (koyama.m[at] for more information. We also look for research fellows (e.g. JSPS Fellow).
Replace [at] with @.
* Only NU students for Bachelor's course.
Room 228, Faculty of Environmental Science,
1-14 Bunkyo-cho, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
TEL: +81-95-819-2761
E-mail: koyama.m[at]